


Thanks for the past year; it has been great despite the pandemic's impact on our activities!!! • Key events of 2021; TAT 2021, Friendlies, Solidarity Game, Merger, Palloliitto membership, Pikkujoulut. Plans for 2022; • Play in the Finnish League, level of competition, 6th division to be confirmed by January 15th, 2022. • TAT 2022 (Summer)

We are announcing the merger of Africa United Team, Helsinki Sport International (HSI), and Afro Foot Club with great pride. The communities mentioned above are merging under the banner of the Afro Foot Club.


Exactly 1 week from today, the tournament, we all be waiting for, will start with the defending champion Team KENYA facing AFRO FOOT @16.30 pm , followed by 2 newcomers to the competition: WEST AFRICANS vs SOUTH ASIANS LEIJONAT 18.30 pm. Things to remember and to expect: *The tournament is from 30.6 – 24.7 with...


MEET Afro Foot

We are a competitive sport club - with our professional players.



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Sefako YaoCoach/Board Member+358 50 477 3030

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